sabato 15 novembre 2014

Dark humor.

A black comedy (or dark comedy) is a comic work that employs black humor, which, is humor that makes light of subject matter usually considered serious. The term black humor was coined by André Breton in 1935, to designate a sub-genre of comedy and satire in which laughter arises from cynicism and skepticism, often relying on topics such as death.

These are some examples of British dark jokes:
Two children, Johnny and Alex were sitting outside a clinic. Alex was crying very loudly. Johnny: Why are you crying? Alex: I came here for a blood test. Johnny: So? Are you afraid? Alex: No. For the blood test, they cut my finger. After hearing this Johnny started weeping making Alex feel surprised as well as curious and Alex asked: Why are you crying now? Johnny: I came for a urine test!

A man answers the telephone to find a doctor from the hospital's emergency room on the other end. "Sir," explains the doctor, "Your wife was in a serious car accident. I have bad news and good news." The man, taken back, asks hesitatntly, "What's the bad news?" "The bad news is your wife has lost all use of both arms and both legs. She will likely be on a respirator for the rest of her life." "Heavens, Doc, what's the good news?" The doctor replies, "I'm kidding. She's dead."

What was the last thing that Diana kissed?
The radiator.

These are some examples of Italian dark jokes:
Un professore universitario decide di fare una gita in barca con un marinaio. Dopo un po' il letterato dice al marinaio: "Lei ha mai letto i Promessi sposi?". Il barcaiolo risponde: "No... sa io sono povero e ho sempre dovuto remare". Il letterato risponde: "Lei ha perso meta' della sua vita!". Dopo un po' il letterato chiede: "Ha mai letto i Sepolcri?". Il barcaiolo risponde: "Io dovevo pescare e non avevo tempo!". Il letterato risponde: "Lei ha perso meta' della sua vita!". Dopo un po' il cielo diventa nuvoloso e si alza un forte vento che rovescia la barca. Il marinaio chiede al letterato: "Lei sa nuotare?". Il letterato risponde: "No! Io dovevo leggere!". Il barcaiolo ribadisce: "Lei ha perso tutta la sua vita!!"

Un impiegato al capufficio:
- "Scusate, so che il vostro vice è morto... Mi dispiace per lui, ma potrei prendere il suo posto?"
- "E lo chiedete a me? Ditelo al becchino!"

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